EXHIBITION “MAKE PEACE” (Mon-Fri 6:30-19:00)

18 Oct 2018
Federal Foreign Office (Foyer), Werderscher Markt 1

EXHIBITION “MAKE PEACE” (Mon-Fri 6:30-19:00)

Should we intervene in conflicts of other countries and societies? And if so, what would
such intervention look like? When is it reasonable and what marks its success? In
many regions in crisis today, aside from international troops, a large number of civilian
experts are working towards the aim of creating lasting peace. But can peace be „made“?
And what does peace actually mean? The exhibition presents principles, instruments and
controversies of civil peace work. International and local experts share their experiences
from project work – the opportunities, challenges and dilemmas such peace efforts
present. Interactive stations for visitors encourage reflection on these issues and offer
space to form opinions and suggestions.
The exhibition is in German. English tours will be offered for festival participants on Friday, 19 October, at 14.00
and 16.00, approx. 90 minutes.
Please bring your ID.